Care Of Prenatal Review: Were They Really Worth It?

Important Update: Care/of Has Shut Down
Care/of discontinued all subscription services on June 17, 2024, and is no longer accepting orders. If you’re looking for a reliable alternative, Conceive Plus provides high-quality fertility and prenatal supplements to support your health journey. Check out our trusted range today!
Prenatal vitamins are supplements specifically designed for women who are pregnant or trying to conceive. During the pregnancy phase, a woman's body needs some nutrients in increased amounts [1]. Prenatal vitamins provide these essential nutrients to support the health of both the mother and the developing baby [2].
Many different brands offer prenatal vitamins with a unique formulation. Care Of was a similar brand that used to offer prenatal vitamins for women. Care Of prenatal review are satisfactory, but the brand is not in the business today for unknown reasons. In this article, we will guide you on how to choose your next trustable brand for prenatal vitamins.
What Are Prenatal Vitamins?
The nutritional demand of the mother increases during pregnancy. A balanced diet sometimes is insufficient to provide enough vitamins and minerals needed during pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins provide a variety of vitamins and minerals during pregnancy to fill any gaps in the diet and ensure that both the mother and the baby are getting enough nutrients [3].
The key nutrients found in prenatal vitamins include folic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids. All these nutrients have specific roles, and collectively, they contribute to a healthy pregnancy.
Benefits of Prenatal Vitamins
Some scientifically proven benefits of taking prenatal vitamins during pregnancy are:
Supports Baby's Growth and Development
Folic acid, also known as folate, is one of the most important nutrients in prenatal vitamins. It helps prevent neural tube defects and supports healthy brain and spinal cord development [4].
Studies show that pregnant women start to produce up to 45% more blood during pregnancy, which means they need an increased supply of iron [5]. Iron in prenatal vitamins fulfills this demand and prevents complications of iron deficiency like anemia during pregnancy.
Boosts Maternal Health
Prenatal vitamins help pregnant mothers stay healthy and strong during the pregnancy term, which benefits the developing child. Vitamin D, for example, is essential for bone health and helps the body absorb calcium.
Calcium, in turn, supports the development of the baby's bones and teeth. Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for neurological development and can help reduce the risk of premature birth [6].
Prevents Nutrient Deficiencies
Pregnancy can make it difficult to get all the necessary nutrients through diet alone since the demand increases significantly [3]. Prenatal vitamins help fill these gaps, reducing the risk of deficiencies that could impact the mother's health and the baby's development.
Care/of Prenatal Vitamins
Care/of was a popular supplement brand famous for its unique business model. The company used to deliver prenatal vitamins on a monthly basis based on your needs [7]. Their prenatal vitamins were packed in small pouches, each pouch containing a dosage for a single day. This made it easy for their customers to keep track of their daily dosage.
However, the company is no longer in business, and there is not much information about its products [8]. All you can find is their reviews on different platforms. The Care Of prenatal vitamin review are satisfactory, with a few exceptions.
Alternative to Care/of Prenatal Vitamins
If you were planning to buy Care/of prenatal vitamins to support pregnancy, you can't do so as of now. However, you don't have to worry about it since even better options are available. If you're wondering where can I find prenatal vitamins to support your pregnancy, there are numerous trusted brands and options available that cater to your specific nutritional needs.
For example, you can get Conceive Plus Prenatal vitamins that offer vitamins C, D, E, and B vitamins, along with nutrients like folic acid, iron, zinc, iodine, and omega-3 fatty acids. Conceive Plus prenatal vitamins are gluten-free and have no artificial ingredients or preservatives, making them a safe choice for mothers during pregnancy.
The Bottom Line
Prenatal vitamins are specially designed dietary supplements for pregnant women. Even if you are not pregnant, you can take prenatal vitamins to prepare your body for pregnancy. Care/of was a supplement company that sold prenatal supplements on a monthly subscription basis.
If you search the internet, most of the Care Of prenatal reviews are positive, and people seem to be satisfied with the product. However, the company shut down its operation for an undisclosed reason. This made their customers look for alternate options to obtain their prenatal vitamins to support pregnancy.
When should I start taking prenatal vitamins?
Experts recommend starting taking prenatal vitamins before conception and continuing throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding, as directed by a healthcare provider. Taking prenatal vitamins before pregnancy prepares the body for pregnancy and taking these vitamins after pregnancy ensures nutritional balance in the body for the health of mother and the baby.
Are Care/of prenatal vitamins still available?
According to the company’s official statement, Care/of is no longer in business. However, there is nothing to worry about if you were a Care/of customer since there are many reputable alternatives available for prenatal vitamins.
Resources Used
- Jouanne, M., Oddoux, S., Noël, A., & Voisin-Chiret, A. S. (2021). Nutrient Requirements during Pregnancy and Lactation. Nutrients, 13(2), 692.
- Prenatal Vitamins. American Pregnancy Association.
- Crawford, S. A., Brown, A. R., Camargo, J. T., Kerling, E. H., Carlson, S. E., Gajewski, B. J., Sullivan, D. K., & Valentine, C. J. (2023). Micronutrient Gaps and Supplement Use in a Diverse Cohort of Pregnant Women. Nutrients, 15(14), 3228.
- Greenberg, J. A., Bell, S. J., Guan, Y., & Yu, Y. (n.d.-b). Folic Acid Supplementation and Pregnancy: More Than Just Neural Tube Defect Prevention.
- Sanghavi, M., & Rutherford, J. D. (2014). Cardiovascular Physiology of Pregnancy. Circulation, 130(12), 1003–1008.
- American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Maternal-Fetal Medicine. (2023). Omega-3 fatty acid supply in pregnancy for risk reduction of preterm and early preterm birth. AJOG MFM. Retrieved from
- Ld, S. S. M. R. (2024b, February 28). Care/of Review: A Dietitian’s Experience After 30 Days. Healthline.
- Care/of: Important Message to Our Community. (n.d.-b).