First 72 Hours of Pregnancy Symptoms

Most people are eager to confirm their pregnancy. And some are just curious due to their doubts about contraceptive failure. People even wonder if any symptoms show up within 72 hours of intercourse or conception, especially when they feel a little sick to their stomach. However, pregnancy symptoms are rarely visible within the first 72 hours.
The subtle changes in your body due to pregnancy might go unnoticed at first. If you have been trying to conceive, knowing what happens during these initial hours and days can help you recognize early signs of pregnancy. Let's explore the first 72 hours of pregnancy symptoms and discuss how they relate to the symptoms you'll experience throughout the first month and beyond.
What Happens in the First 72 Hours?

There are very few people who experience any pregnancy symptoms as soon as 72 hours after having sex. Internally, your body undergoes rapid changes as the fertilized egg begins its journey toward implantation in the uterus. Symptoms at such an incredibly early stage are minimal or easily overlooked. However, some women who are highly attuned to their bodies may notice very early signs of pregnancy.
- Subtle Changes in Hormones: One of the first changes after conception is a rise in hormones, particularly human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)1. This hormone is crucial for maintaining pregnancy and will eventually be detected in pregnancy tests. Although it's unlikely to experience significant symptoms within the first 72 hours, the hormonal shift is already underway. It increases rapidly during the first trimester of pregnancy, doubling every 24 hours in the first 8 weeks.
- Mild Cramping and Spotting: Some women may experience mild cramping or light spotting, known as implantation bleeding. While this typically happens a bit late, around 6-12 days post-conception, it's possible to notice very early signs of pregnancy 2 weeks into your cycle. According to a study, 25% of pregnant women experience slight bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy.2 So, if you're asking, are cramps a sign of pregnancy? The answer is— yes. Mild cramping can indicate that the fertilized egg is implanting in the uterine lining.
- Fatigue and Drowsiness: The surge in progesterone, another essential hormone, can cause you to feel more tired than usual. These uncommon symptoms of week one pregnancy become more frequent in later weeks. People may experience early fatigue during the first 72 hours in rare cases.
- Slight Changes in Basal Body Temperature: Ovulation and temperature are linked. You will see a small rise in your Basal body temperature (BBT), which is also caused by progesterone. This increase is also due to the body's efforts to create a favorable environment for the embryo. BBT rise is more of an indirect sign and can be very subtle earlier.3
Progression of Symptoms of Pregnancy in First Month

As you move past the initial 72 hours, many 1 month pregnancy symptoms become more visible. These early symptoms, though still subtle, are often the first indicators that you might be expecting.
1 Week Pregnant
Symptoms may still be minimal by the end of the first week. However, some women report feeling slight bloating or experiencing mild cramping as the embryo implants into the uterine lining. Apart from that, some other early pregnancy symptoms include-
- Nausea with or without vomiting.
- Tenderness, tingling feeling, or swelling on the breast.
- Headache
- Metallic taste in the mouth
- In some women, 1 week early pregnancy stomach might have some cramps
2 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Two weeks pregnant symptoms become more evident. These very early signs of pregnancy 2 weeks into your cycle can be quite telling for those who are familiar with their bodies. While they can be very easy to miss, they are surely a reason to celebrate for those trying to conceive.
- Implantation Bleeding and Cramping: Some women start experiencing light spotting, known as implantation bleeding when the embryo attaches to the uterine lining. This can occur around 10 to 14 days after conception. Implantation may also cause mild cramping. This cramping is often mistaken for premenstrual symptoms.
- Breast Tenderness: Hormonal changes might lead to breast tenderness or sensitivity. This is one of the 2 weeks pregnant symptoms that often mimic the signs of an impending period.
- Increased Basal Body Temperature: As we told earlier, your BBT will keep increasing. So if you’ve been tracking your basal body temperature (BBT) and you notice that the increase is consistent, you might be pregnant. This rise in temperature indicates that ovulation has occurred, and conception may have taken place.
- Fatigue: Early pregnancy fatigue keeps increasing with a rise in progesterone every week. Feeling unusually tired can be one of the first signs that you’re pregnant.
- Changes in Cervical Mucus: Around two weeks, you might notice changes in cervical mucus. It may become thicker or creamier, a sign of early pregnancy.
3 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Let’s move to symptoms of pregnancy week 3. By now, the fertilized egg has implanted itself securely into the uterine lining. Hormonal changes are now in full swing, leading to more noticeable 3 weeks pregnant symptoms.
- Nausea: One of the earliest signs, often called morning sickness, may begin around this time. However, not all women experience nausea this early.
- Heightened Sense of Smell: A heightened sense of smell is common. Certain odors may become more intense, leading to aversions or nausea.
- Mood Swings: One of the very early signs of pregnancy 3 week is a surge in hormones that affects your mood . Some women experience emotional fluctuations similar to those of PMS.
- Increased Urination: As your body adjusts to the increased blood flow and the growing uterus, you might notice more frequent trips to the bathroom. Frequent urination reappears over time as the baby continues to grow, putting more pressure on your bladder.4
- Fatigue: The exhaustion you felt at two weeks pregnant may intensify. The body is working hard to support the growing embryo.
- Food Aversions or Cravings: Hormonal changes can trigger sudden food cravings or aversions, often different from pre-pregnancy preferences
Symptoms by the End of the First Month
By the end of the first month, most women will start to experience more consistent pregnancy symptoms. All the 1st month pregnancy symptoms like morning sickness, cravings, urination, etc., intensify as we reach the 4th week. Additionally, you might begin to notice changes in your mood and energy levels. Many people wonder “does constipation is a sign of pregnancy”? It can be since high
The 2 3 weeks pregnant signs and symptoms can also include slight weight gain, breast tenderness, and an increase in your sense of smell. The uterus continues to expand, which might cause mild discomfort or uterus pain early pregnancy 1 week into your cycle.
Beyond the First Month
Your pregnancy symptoms will start appearing more frequently and intensely as soon as you move to the second month after conception. The 2 month pregnant symptoms might include more severe morning sickness, continued breast tenderness, and increased fatigue. As you enter the first trimester symptoms, it's important to remember that each woman's experience is unique. The first pregnancy symptoms week by week can vary significantly from person to person.
By the first month after conception is over, the fertilized egg has implanted into the uterus, and the placenta is starting to develop.
Missed Period

The most common sign after a month is a missed period. A delay in period can be caused by a number of reasons other than pregnancy.5 However if your menstrual cycle is regular, but you missed it this time, it could be the earliest signs of pregnancy.
Apart from that, all other symptoms, such as morning sickness, food cravings, breast changes, and fatigue, keep growing after the first month. If you have been experiencing all these and you have also missed your period, maybe it's time for a pregnancy test.
Understanding pregnancy symptoms by week helps you anticipate and manage what's to come. Whether it's 3 weeks pregnant symptoms or signs in the later stages, being informed and prepared can ease anxiety and ensure a healthy pregnancy journey.
Final Word

The first 72 hours of pregnancy symptoms are subtle but mark the beginning of an incredible transformation your body will go through over the next nine months. It's totally normal not to notice dramatic changes immediately. But knowing what could happen helps you better prepare.
As you move through the first month and into the subsequent weeks, your body will continue to change, revealing more signs that you're expecting. The Conceive Plus team will continue to make efforts to make you aware of such changes in your body. We help you understand what these symptoms mean so you can confidently live this exciting time.
Is cramping a sign of pregnancy?
Yes, it can be, especially during the first few weeks after conception. Cramping or spotting is among the most common 1 month pregnant symptoms.
Is there a spike in blood sugar in the initial weeks of pregnancy and symptoms?
There shouldn't be any major change in blood sugar. If you notice a spike in your blood sugar levels after the first month of pregnancy symptoms, they might be signs of gestational.
Is constipation a sign of pregnancy?
Yes, it can be an early sign. After pregnancy symptoms week 1, there is a consistent increase in progesterone, that eventually slows down your digestive system.
How Long Does It Take for Pregnancy Symptoms to Show?
For many women, symptoms become more apparent by the end of the first month. However, "how long does it take for pregnancy symptoms to show" can vary widely. Some women experience symptoms almost immediately, while others might not notice until they miss their period.