How to Increase Ejaculation Time? Tips to Last Longer

Ejaculation time refers to how long a man lasts during sexual activity before releasing semen. Ejaculation time significantly impacts the sexual satisfaction of you and your partner.
But how to increase ejaculation time? Or How to increase seamen amount?
Many men want to increase their ejaculation time to enhance sexual pleasure and intimacy with their partner. There are different factors, such as stress, health, and stamina, that can affect how long you last.
If you are experiencing problems with lasting longer, fortunately, there are ways to improve ejaculation time and last longer.
Science Behind Ejaculation Duration
Ejaculation duration is not a specific time, and it varies from person to person. Different factors, such as age, health, and stress can increase or decrease this duration.
How do you know your ejaculation duration?
Masturbation helps you learn your own sexual arousal and gives you an estimate of your ejaculation time. Remember that ejaculation duration during masturbation can be different from ejaculation duration during intercourse.
Premature ejaculation is a common concern among sexually active men. It is often caused by anxiety, stress, or overexcitement. A report by the Urology Care Foundation shows that premature ejaculation affects 1 in 3 men between the ages of 18 and 59 years [1].
Always remember that there's no set "normal" time to last. You must find a rhythm that works best for you and your partner. Communication plays an important role in managing expectations and improving the sexual experience.
Tips to Increase Ejaculation Duration
If you are facing problems with ejaculation duration or failing to last longer according to your expectations, you are not alone in this. This is a common concern because people usually build their expectations unrealistically when it comes to sexual performance.
However, if your ejaculation duration is really short, it can affect your experience. Fortunately, there are some ways you can improve your ejaculation duration and boost your experience.
These include:
Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic floor exercises, also called Kegel exercises, can strengthen the muscles that control ejaculation [2]. Regular practice of Kegel exercises can improve one's control over pelvic muscles, leading to better ejaculation control.
With better control over pelvic floor muscles, you can delay ejaculation. You can also extend the duration of sexual activity and enhance performance.
Diet and Hydration
A healthy diet is directly associated with improved sexual health [3]. Foods rich in vitamins C, E, and D can protect semen from damage in the body and improve ejaculation volume. Similarly, foods rich in minerals such as zinc, magnesium and selenium supports the production of healthy sperms.
Here are some foods that you can add to your diet to improve ejaculate volume and duration:
- Oysters
- Pumpkin seeds
- Spinach
- Dark chocolate
- Bananas
- Watermelon
- Garlic
- Eggs
- Carrots
- Walnuts
Staying hydrated is also very important for ejaculation volume and duration. Adequate water intake can improve semen volume and overall sexual health.
Mental and Emotional Techniques
Mental and emotional techniques can help you last longer during sex and manage premature ejaculation [4]. Simple methods like deep breathing and relaxation reduce anxiety and stress, which can cause early ejaculation.
Staying calm and focused improves your control over sexual arousal. Mindfulness and meditation also help in boosting performance by keeping you focused and reducing distractions.
All these mental and emotional techniques help you manage your mental state, resulting in better control and a more satisfying sexual experience.
Physical Activity
Regular exercise can improve sexual stamina and libido. If you are physically active, it boosts your overall fitness and helps you last longer during sex.
Studies show that regular exercise increases blood flow, strengthens muscles, and builds endurance for enhanced performance [5]. Exercise is also effective in increasing testosterone levels, which can contribute to sexual boost [6].
Exercise also has psychological benefits. It reduces stress, which helps you stay focused during sexual activity [7]. All these changes from exercise lead to better sexual performance and longer-lasting activity.
Foreplay and Communication
Taking time for foreplay helps you and your partners feel more involved in the movement. This practice can delay ejaculation and also make the experience more enjoyable.
Open communication about your likes, dislikes, and needs helps you and your partner have a better understanding of what to do and what to expect at that moment. Thus, by focusing on foreplay and talking openly, you can enhance ejaculation duration and pleasure.
Desensitizing Products
If nothing is working for you, you can try desensitizing products, which may help you last longer. They are especially useful for managing premature ejaculation. Desensitizing products can help you last longer during sex by reducing the sensitivity of the penis.
These products, such as creams or sprays, contain numbing agents that delay ejaculation. By applying these products before sex, you can increase the duration of your sexual activity and improve control.
If you're curious about how medications like Viagra impact sexual function, you might wonder, does Viagra make you cum more? We recommend you talk to your healthcare provider before using any product for performance or to treat premature ejaculation. Expert advice significantly lowers the risk of side effects.
Conclusion: Finding What Works for You
Increasing ejaculation time or lasting longer is a goal for any man who is focused on improving his sexual health. People with erectile dysfunction or sexual dysfunction also look for treatment options to last longer.
Regular exercise, a balanced diet, mental relaxation, and communication with your partner are some practical ways to last longer. However, if you have some underlying health condition responsible for premature ejaculation, you must seek medical help before practicing any other option.
How to increase seamen quantity?
Stay well-hydrated and eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to improve semen quantity. Regular exercise and reducing stress can also help boost semen production and improve overall sex life.
How can stress affect my performance?
Stress and distractions can shorten ejaculation duration and negatively impact the overall experience. You can manage stress with relaxation techniques and communication with your partner.
Does exercise help with lasting longer?
Yes, regular exercise improves stamina and blood flow, helping you last longer. Special exercises, such as kegel exercises, can help you control your ejaculation duration and delay orgasm.
Resources Used
- Mehta, A., Dabaja, A. A., Gross, M., Rambhatla, A., Rotker, K., & Shin, D. (n.d.). SEXUAL HEALTH: Premature Ejaculation Patient Guide (pp. 3–6).
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- Bashir, S. (2024j, September 8). What Vitamins Should A Man Take When Trying To Conceive. Conceive Plus®.
- Althof, S. E. (2016). Psychosexual therapy for premature ejaculation. Translational Andrology and Urology, 5(4), 475-481.
- Gerbild, H., Larsen, C. M., Graugaard, C., & Josefsson, K. A. (2018). Physical Activity to Improve Erectile Function: A Systematic Review of Intervention Studies. Sexual Medicine, 6(2), 75-89.
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