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BFP! After 2 Miscarriages in a Row and About to Start IVF...

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Conceive Plus user testimonial

Posted on Mon, 07/30/2012 - 11:23 Hi, I am 36 and my fiancée is 37. I have a very regular cycle. We started TTC in November 2011 and fell pregnant in December 2011. Unfortunately found our baby had no heartbeat at 9 weeks, had a D&C. Was absolutely gutted but fell pregnant again 4 months later only to start bleeding at 8 weeks - my OB found NOTHING on my scan and suspected an Ectopic. Went in for an emergency D&C and Laparoscopy and thankfully it was not in my tubes - she couldn't find it, which meant it, was classified as an "unknown location". I felt something was wrong at the 6th week mark of this pregnancy as I started spotting and I had ZERO symptoms - sure enough... 5-6 months down the track we were referred to a Fertility Specialist and had all our tests done. My tests came back all normal but DH's sperm morphology was only 2% (motility and count were normal) which is probably why we weren't having any success. So, for the past 11 weeks he has been leading a healthier lifestyle and taking lots of vitamins!! We were all booked in to start IVF in 4 weeks time but to our surprise got our BFP yesterday morning!!! We are very excited but also very very nervous.

Here is what we did different which I think helped us achieve our BFP:

* Ovulated on CD 17 - BD 15, 16 and 17 - previous months we just BD'd every 2nd day from CD 10-18; * Used Ovulation Kit and took my BBT, which I did every month anyway; * used Conceive Plus (pre-filled applicators); * DH has been on menevit, zinc, vitamin C for past 3 months (and cutting back on alcohol); And what I think really helped was I had a HSG done 6 weeks ago. My tubes were both clear but it must have just given them a really good flush out. I would do this again. I am just praying everyday that this one sticks. It has to be my turn this time! I wish all you ladies TTC the very best of luck. It can be a very tough and emotional rollercoaster but what ever happens with this one, I am prepared for anything that comes my way. It is totally out of my control anyway. I have already started having symptoms like nausea and my test line came back faster and darker than the control line.. (that hasn't happened before :)) So feeling very hopeful. Baby dust to you all. xxx (as posted on