Category_Success Stories

"I had been trying for almost a year and I got my BFP the first cycle after using conceive plus. I am now 21 weeks pg."

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"I had been trying for almost a year and I got my BFP the first cycle after using conceive plus. I am now 21 weeks pg." - Conceive Plus® "I had been trying for almost a year and I got my BFP the first cycle after using conceive plus. I am now 21 weeks pg." - Conceive Plus®

I had been trying for almost a year and I got my BFP the first cycle after using conceive plus. I am now 21 weeks pg. Just to let you know, that I tried so hard to get pg. I used everything. The the minute I booked a cruise and 'stopped' trying...I had this sudden urge to buy some, the night after was when I conceived. I didnt have any pregnancy symptoms...but I got a bloated stomach almost straight away... cutecheeks (as posted on


The time to start working toward a healthy pregnancy is before you conceive. Read more here


If you have just started trying to get pregnant or have been trying for a while, Conceive Plus can help increase your chances of conception naturally! Recommended by doctors, pharmacists and fertility clinics in more than 60 countries. This is the fertility lubricant cleared by the FDA and a prescription from a Doctor is not required.
